We continue to move closer to purchasing a cruising sailing catamaran and decided to purchase this brand new 2020 Highfield 340 Cl! We will use this Highfield 340 as our tender for our eventual sailboat!
We are often asked about how well our kitchen works for our family of 4 as full time RV’ers. In this blog we go over our favorite small kitchen appliances and gadgets! We have found space savers and multi-use items that make our small kitchen much more user friendly however we also have a few luxury items that may surprise you.
RV Surge Protectors are often overlooked as necessary equipment, or even worse, a cheap sub-optimal option is used which does not provide peace of mind! We did our homework and the Power WatchDog is clearly the way to go! This unit has several features that none of the others offer! We have partnered with Hughes Autoformers (the makers of The Power Watchdog) to bring you a huge discount with our unique coupon code! You will not be disappointed with The Power WatchDog!
Discount code to save you $25.00 or more off a system! We have been using the ClearSource water filter for over a year with full time RV living! We strongly recommend it! Definitely one of best RV water filter systems on the market for peace of mind!
We having been very good at blogging in 2019 but 2020 is a new year! This is our first Salty Family Blog of the year and we thought it would be nice to wrap up 2019 and set the stage for 2020! As usual, Salty Escape has big plans for 2020!