The Splendide washer dryer combo is a compact machine loved by Rv’ers and Sailers alike!
We’ve owned 3 of them now!
What can I say about this little workhorse… Sure it’s slow and you can only do small loads at a time. It shakes the coach during spin cycles like an earthquake, but none of that matters because it allows us to do laundry in our RV. I will forgive its downfalls because of this one fact.
I am mostly kidding about the sarcastic observations above. Mostly…
The Splendide does a good job and it saves me time. It really is a workhorse! I can start a load of laundry and walk away for hours. When you come back a few hours later and your laundry is completed. There's no time spent moving clothes from the washer to the dryer.
We have made a few videos about this washer/dryer combo.
You may have noticed the thumbnail above with Corey. Yeah, all the struggles were related to the RV, not the Splendide. You would think this install would have been straight forward, but no. These things never seem to go as planned and always take longer than you think they should! Anyway, watch the Splendide installation video before you tackle it yourself. The information we show, may help you!
Let’s talk about why we choose this unit over the individual washer and dryers. The biggest reason to choose a combo unit is to allow for extra storage space. Our RV is built with a closet to place a stackable washer/dryer set. By having a combo unit we have room for shelves, laundry hampers, and cleaning supplies.
The other positive is the combo is usually more affordable than separate units. We were able to purchase ours on sale and the price was around $1000.00. That is approximately $300 to $500 less than a stackable unit typically costs. I’m sure the stackable units are more time efficient at cleaning and drying but the cost savings as well as the space savings are most important to us.
The main reason for purchasing a RV washer/dryer was because we are generally too unstructured and we often realize late at night that we need something washed for tomorrow. No big deal. Throw it in, it’ll be dry by morning and ready to go!
Also, it saves us time by not having to use our onsite laundry. Our current resort has very nice laundry facilities. But, sometimes at campgrounds, you feel you may be better off to go down to the river to do the wash! If you do decide you need to use the campground laundry, plan for waiting and driving back and forth with laundry to see when machines are available.
We love having the ability to do our laundry on our time in our home.
If you're considering purchasing a splendide washer dryer combination I encouraged you to watch our tips and tricks video. In that video I show you details about load size, an easy way to measure the detergents and an awesome hack on how to remove wrinkles! The wrinkle remover hack changed my life!!
Let us know what you use in your RV or boat or tiny home below. What works well for your family? We always like other opinions.
We are not affiliated or sponsored by Splendide, but please see the link below for more information on this product.
We purchased ours at Camping World on sale:
Camping World Splendide 2100XC
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