The holiday season looks a little different at the beach. There are many traditional ways to celebrate but we also have a lot of improv. This week we decided to go around and try to capture how things look at the beach in 2017!
Here are a few of the fun and innovative ways we celebrate Christmas!
Sand Dollar tree ornaments, bulbs on succulents, lighted palm trees, and Christmas trees on peers.
In the parades they have snow machines!!
Only bubbles but it still looks great!
No snow, no problem, we can still have "snowball" fights!
Homemade Candy Cane ice cream doesn't get any better than this! Made with our Sweetspot Instant ice cream maker.
As the night settled in we enjoyed the Great Christmas Light Show in North Myrtle Beach.
I had never seen anything like it before!
Really cool how they made the lights animate. If you haven't already, click over to our Youtube channel to see some of this in action!
(--------Click the YouTube button below --------)
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